Thinking Heart Solutions – Unleash Your Now

1+ Years

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In collaboration with academic institutions and organizations, our focus lies in empowering stakeholders with the essential tools to support urban educators in managing vicarious trauma and students navigating academic and trauma-responsive challenges. Through partnership with Thinking Heart Solutions, led by Dr. Henry Horace, we introduce the MABEN theoretical framework. MABEN serves as a guiding principle aimed at addressing a multitude of facets: regulating teachers’ vicarious trauma, mitigating students’ trauma-responsive reactions, coaching leaders, and cultivating critical thinking skills. Central to MABEN is cultural awareness and fostering community partnerships. Our approach is results-oriented, with a focus on developing both teachers and students as leaders, ultimately striving for academic excellence and the transformation of underperforming schools.


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What we do and our services

Thinking Heart Solutions is a dynamic consultancy dedicated to cultivating forward-thinking leaders who inspire resilience and optimism, even in the face of challenges. These leaders are administrators, teachers, students, and caretakers. Contact us and become a Thinking Heart Partner.


Our services drive the transformation of organizational practices toward sustainable and intuitive practices, empowering cognitive leaders to uphold a culture of excellence irrespective of tenure.


Join our community and proudly embrace Thinking Heart Solutions as we shape the future of students, one interaction at a time. Wear Thinking Heart proudly!!


Embark on a journey of growth: our Innovative E-Course offers reflective and forward-looking lessons to empower educators and educational providers for long-term success.

Podcast Episodes

The Thinking Heart Solutions Podcast offers a blend of informative, practical, humorous, and inspiring content through the use of story telling. Join us, spread the word, share with your circle of friends and social media connections.

Words and Faces of Trauma

Our perception of others is shaped by what we observe and what we hear. Witness and understand the effects of trauma firsthand through the voices and faces of trauma.


Christa Smith


Christa Smith


Christa Smith


Christa Smith


Christa Smith


Thinking Heart Solutions presents its variety of media productions


Our podcast invites discussions with experts across diverse fields, exploring topics such as trauma awareness, evidence-based support for educators, and the power of storytelling in navigating the intricacies of toxic stress.



Articles published by Thinking Heart Solutions delve into the science behind learning, the socioeconomic implications of limited access to quality education, and offer insightful commentary on societal perceptions and misconceptions surrounding economic mobility.


Upcoming Book

Dr. Horace’s groundbreaking new book explores the holistic nature of learning, delving into related theories that validate his teaching model known as MABEN. This forthcoming publication offers insights on how to regulate trauma in classroom environments and cultivate critical thinking skills.



We take immense pride in the impactful work at Thinking Heart Solutions and are eager to share it with the world. Join our community by purchasing, utilizing, and proudly representing Thinking Heart Solutions.


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